We will be using Discord for all general, off-topic chat, technical doubts and feedback-requests. The invite link will be shared to all the participants.
announcements - all the important updates on events, workshops, meets, etc
general - anything related to the program, coding, doubts, projects, etc.
introduce-yourself - share your name, GitHub username, facts about you, etc.
alpha-track - anything related to the Alpha Track
beta-track - anything related to the Beta Track
feedback-requests - if you need feedback on choices, resume, applications, etc
git-and-github - doubts related to Git & GitHub
html-and-css - doubts related to HTML & CSS
javascript - doubts related to JavaScript
python - doubts related to Python
android - doubts related to Android
flutter - doubts related to Flutter
cpp - doubts related to C++
off-topic - anything unrelated to the program! :D
Your project would also have an associated Gitter chatroom integrated with the GitHub repo. For the weekly stand-ups and show-and-tells, we will be using Jitsi Meet and all the sessions would be uploaded to OpenHack's YouTube channel.
Please check our code of conduct here.
Last updated